Saturday 30 July 2011

Response to "English Garden"

Just enjoyed Hazel's post of her lovely English garden. Its not surprising us tamglers like flowers, they are the epitomy of beauty and colour. Living color. Colour so vibrant even a canvas cant capture the depth of it, that living essence in it. Enuf flossifying. So today I can offer a few of my contibutions from my garden, which is a bit bleak right now, being our winter.

eparator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;">


wow have I just had fun!!! Thanks Margaret for the link to I should be asleep as its 1.40 am but couldnt resist having a go. The last two started to make some sense. whatcha reckon?

Saturday 30th July

I've been having some more fun with stamps and zentangles. I have put my latest here in black and white. Feel free to colour it in yourself and return! I have actually enlarged it onto cartridge paper to make life easier. Some of my students wanted to colour it as well. Have quite a collection in the end.

The other design is exploring Canson edition 250 gram paper for use with prismacolours. So it will become a ZIA!

Happy tangling to all, Anne

Thursday 28th July

I'm startting to think I should do something about my tangle addiction. I must have spent a total of about five hours on things yesterday! I had a blast using my new Prismacolours. First I coloured the waiting room tangle and then I had a go on black. I used a uni-ball signo pigment ink pen. It was broad so flowed nicely, but I need to get a finer one.The Pigmas were great on black and showed up ok, though could be better with larger areas of pattern maybe. Hope you like them.

Tuesday 26 July 2011

Back after work. One interesting bit. I was seriously instructing the students about an essay I had set for them when I saw a girl standing at the door. I often have students interrupting my classes for some materials or other, so asked her to go. Turned out she was a NEW STUDENT JOINING MY CLASS!! Poor thing. what a welcome. Anyway we both got over it.
I have some more bits to share, hope you like them.

This lovely letter was given to me on a card from one of my afternoon ladies.
First pic is in my Zia fun book. I was tryng out my Prismacolours. Think they are brilliant, but watercolour paper isnt probably the best paper to use. I have another little book I use with art paper in it in which I put tangles. I had the book with me on Monday when I had to go to the doctor and waited ages. I had no idea how long I waited because I happily tangled away. Next thing is to try my Prismas on the paper to see the difference.

I enjoyed this weeks tangle. Sometimes its a good idea to be limited in how many to use.

Wednesday July 27th

Just quickly pasting challenge #32!
Have some more to add but quickly off to work now ttfn

Friday, 22nd July

Pretty worn out after 1st week back at school.
Seeing as its my birthday in two days I decided to convert to Prismacolour, as so many tanglers seem to use them. I went to a local Art Gallery who has a few artist supplies. I planned on getting 24-36. After an hour I finalised it at 48!! Now I have to sharpen them all!! I hope to have a picture for you by Monday, so watch this space!

Wednesday 20 July 2011

Wednesday 20th July

Thanks to those who have sent comments on my fairyland. Its most encouraging since I have only just begun to "blog", and to know others are interested. So thanks for your kind words.

I had my fortnightly art and craft arvo today. Two ladies have taken to zentangling , one in particular has become addicted (yay!) She is even making up her own tangles!It is very rewarding when we share our obsessions plus our artwork. People develop in so many different ways, and we continue to learn from each other. Never a dull moment.

Its the first time I have completed Diva's challeng in one day, both in black and white and painting it, then to scan plus post it. Just as well I teach part time hey! Trouble with doing the challenges so quickly is what do I do next? well, I do want to do a big tangle but before that make a header for the blog. However it wont be tomorrow cos we have a VCE (year 11 and 12) meeting at night for parents so students can choose their subject for next year, then on the weekend my daughter is coming to visit for my birthday. All things in good time. TTFN and happy tangling

more of ZIA fun book

Well, challenge 31 worked ok. (I'm still new at this blog business.)So I shall tey the ZIA fun book ones that didnt get loaded now.They are the cover and #30 coloured.

challege #31

Managed to do #31. I havent been able to load two pics from my book, but Ill have a go at this one, esp for mr.linkey!

Monday 18 July 2011

Tuesday 19th July

Just tried to link up with Divas Linkey machine. Then I realised I cant do it till I have my tile on the site. Well, I havent done it yet cos I only just found out what to do. Duh. Senior moment!

I am quite excited as I have just started a ZIA fun book. I found a watercolour paper spiral book, perfect size for tiles. So now I can feed my colour addiction and paint them all!

!Ill try to do one a week.Im using winsor and Newton watercolour pans which give a lovely clear, transparent colour. Heres what Ive done so far.
(well, I tried to load them but doesnt sem to be going right either. Press on..)

Back at school today. Some have done holiday homework, others not. Oh well, its their life. Better start Challenge #31. Fairy!

Monday 18th July

Last day of my holidays. Back to school tomorrow. I wonder if the year 12s have done any artwork in the hols. They only have 9 weeks now to get all their finals done. I have probably done more than they have. Mostly on tangles thats for sure, tho I did get my Bush medicine painting completed. I shall post it tomorrow to Alice Springs, Mbantua Gallery. Think I'll do another Uluru one next. Meanwhile with my tangling, I have started a ZIA book. Its 185gsm watercolour paper and lovely to draw in fineliner on, believe it or not. I have changed my painitng method and gone back to the original Winsor and Newton pan watercolours that I began with. The Holbein ones I found were not transparent enough to use with zentangles. I shall post some when they are completed. I'll put them on my flickr site too. I want to work out where to out my flickr address on my blog site as it has my paintings on it should anyone want to see those.also a link to Gippsland artists. Ill work it all out eventually.

Saturday 16 July 2011

July 16th

At last have got the page sorted. Dear hubby assisted and we changed the font and some of the colours. I still need to learn how to add photos so can load my tangles. I quite enjoyed the initials challenge. I think I might be getting too detailed in my approach.

Tuesday 12 July 2011

Tuesday, 11th July

I have been fiddling with setting up this blog now forover 2 hours, already written one ppost, which disappeared. First font was too big, so tried out another which I dont like now, and cant seem to change it, and the design page is playing up, so I thnk I'll sign out and have my tea and try again tomorrow!!Tra

Tuesday,11th July

Hi all,

Here I go to join the throng of Bloggers. I dont really have time, but then I seem to be out of the loop not having one, as my new friends Im finding all have one, and I need it to get a URL to put on the "linkey machine" of  'I am the Diva' s blog!!

I'm quite excited as today I introduced two more to the wonderful world of tangling!! (Only those in the know will know). Its fabulous when people get absorbed in what they are doing especially when they "DEFINITLELY CAN'T DRAW" !! Then when they have finished their first tile they are so thrilled with what they have produced, and they just loved doing it. yay! Another convert!

I was told that making a blog wont take long. well, Ive been fussing around for about 2 hours and I havent finished yet! Im sorry the page is so fussy but the backgound design makes me laugh every time I look at it!! So I thought thats a good way to start doing a post!

So Im going to stop now and hope for the best that I wont have to repeat any of this, in which case I dont think I would.