Tuesday 11 September 2012

Challenge #86 and Krunstler tangle

Thia week's a challenge to "break free" of boundaries. had fun doing this one.
Magaret Bremner is always an inspiration to me. I feel like her blogs are leading me on a journey of visual challenges and art explorations. I've told you about the nice marbled tangle book, well I have also one of those moleskin books too, the journal sort. Last week in this one, I began to explore Margaret's tangle 'krunstle', which she was inspired to do from the optical design exercises of Julianna Krunstle. The following are the four stages I took this development through. The colours are Prismacolour pencils, which I applied using Julianna's technique.

This was developed horizontally first the next vertically

Here using krunstler in a zentangle


  1. You did a great job with this challenge!
    Love what you did with Kunstler; since I foud it on Margaret's blog, I'm using it all the time too.

  2. Beautiful tile you made, yet the borde is not broken, but the tangles do break free out of their space. Great job. ;)

  3. Sweet use of pattern in design to tell the story of escape!

  4. Lovely and bold - great tangles (Kunstler is one of my go to patterns when I feel like doing nothing :))

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. this is where i first learned this style, he calls it Line Design

    1. Thanks for that Alice, I will check out that address.

  7. your challenge piece looks terrific. Love the ribbons threading through the design and off the page. Your krunstler experimentations look lovely, too - really love the coloured one :)

  8. These are stunning!

  9. Oh oh oh!! I just LOVE that last Kunstler Zia--wow!! I love them all, really--your breaking free tile is wonderful, great depth! And all the Kunstler pieces--I am entranced by that pattern! Beautiful work on all!

  10. Love the stitching around the outside, and your laces and rope that flow through and then out.
