Thursday, 15 October 2015

Diva Challenge #239 Use Minchin

"Minchin", by Molly Hollibaugh, has been around a while, and I have used it before. The greater challenge was to create on a black tile. I didn't have a black tile, so did colour on white, working through the colours of the rainbow being adjacent. Later I managed to find a piece of card I could adapt. As it was rather smooth, I chose to not shade.

My finished large zentangle inspired art piece using Dylusion Paints. Picture is a little darker than the original. Not sure if I like it or not.

Yay! Our first roses!! and they smell wonderful!

Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Diva Challenge #238 UMT

Thanks to those who commented on last weeks blog. Always very much appreciated.

This weeks challenge is a "Use My Tangle". Design a zentangle using Tri-bee by Beate Winkler CZT.
I found this harder for me to do than it looked! However, as Diva Laura Harms always displays her first attempt, I persevered and made the most of what I had done.

Some recent artworks just for enjoyment..

Now in the process of being painted.

And I'm still mad about spring flowers they are so colourful!

One day whilst weeding I found this massive spud..6" long!!

Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Diva Challenge #237 Stencil as string

Quite a change for the challenge this week. That is to use a stencil design as the string for the zentangle.  I began to rummage around amongst my stencils, then remembered I had one already which would be just right. I created it while exploring Dylusion Spray Inks. As the design was made of various sized circles, I thought I would use as many tangles as I could which took on a circle format. The background has two or three layers of spray on it, so I needed to use a size 5 micron.

Tangles: Drupe, Voxter, Snaylz Trayl, Daggerly, Vano, Man-o-man, Jelly Roll,
Hurakan, Mumsy, Kuke, Mirasu.

Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Diva Challenge #236

Quite a different challenge this week. Find something one wouldn't normally tangle on!
checking around the house I finally chose a packet of tea !!!

I didn't want to tangle on the box, so I scanned it and drew up the 90mm square and went for it!

Tangles: Riverstones, Knase, Sand Swirl, Gerasse,
We have come into our lovely Spring, though its still quite cold. One day its 24 deg, then its 12!!!
We had a few days away at a seaside town called Anglesea, its near the famous surfers Bell's Beach.
When we returned home I delighted to pick these beautiful Fuscias!
nearly Bells Beach at Torquay

A Spring bouquet

My precious grandies with their FIRSTs and other ribbons from their athletics carnival.

Still doing bookmarks!!!

Thursday, 17 September 2015

Diva Challenge #235 "Stripes"

I love stripes! This year was involved with a brief Facebook group called "Stacked and Tangled", where each tangle had to lie down over another, in various shapes, oblong, spiral, sphere, l shape etc.
I'm currently away for a few days and brought with me a small watercolour book to work in. I had a page already coloured with Dylusion spray inks so drew on that. Extra colouring  by markers. I had fun using Margaret Bremner's new tangle Pixioze.
Without any shading

Shading with markers..
Time away in Victorias "Surf Coast". Whilst it was a bit cold and rainy we still enjoyed it! Heres a picture of the surf beach at Torquay, the famous Bells Beach is around the next cliff!
Torquay's main beach

The surf beach
Before I went away I bought a big bundle of daffodils, they were so gorgeous! Only $5 for 7 bunches!
One of each kind

all in a bucket together
Thanks to those who took time to comment on my last post, it means a lot.

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Diva Challenge "Stripes"

I love stripes! This year was involved with a brief Facebook group called "Stacked and Tangled", where each tangle had to lie down over another, in various shapes, oblong, spiral, sphere, l shape etc.
I'm currently away for a few days and brought with me a small watercolour book to work in. I had a page already coloured with Dylusion spray inks so drew on that. Extra colouring  by markers. I had fun using Margaret Bremner's new tangle Pixioze.

Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Diva Challenge #234 Use new tangle "CanT "

Chris Titus has given us a new tangle pattern called CanT, echoing  her blog's name which is CanTangle!!
I decided to apply some colour and some variations to the exercise.

For those just entering the world of Zentangle, I thought I would share what I often do when a new tangle comes out and is worked with by those who possess inspiring and very skilful technical abilities. I have learnt an enormous amount from Margaret Bremner whose blog is I thoroughly enjoyed her blog last week with her variations on "Zenith". I copied as an exercise some of her artwork, of course not nearly as competent, and being lazy, not bothering to rule anything up, somehow my rows fall down at the end. This serves as a good resource for when I'm serious about a new work.

A recent swap on Facebook required us to do some "Inchies and Twinchies". Here is my collection ready to post out !

Tuesday, 1 September 2015


How wonderful to have arrived at last at our Spring after our wettest winter for 20 years! I am amazed at how glorious the rhodies and camellias look! Sad that the camellias are about to leave us!!

This week we have been asked by Laura (welcome back!!)to see what we can do with Rick and Maria's new pattern "Zenith" My contribution below.

Thursday, 20 August 2015

CURVELINEAR!! Diva Challenge . Revisiting Camelia

Asked this week to work on new or old patterns with S or C curves, and have some fun developing them with auras galore. So I thought I'd have some fun with my pattern "Camelia" (step outs included) I called these "Cameliarella"
I found this challenge quite addictive and wanted to try all sorts of things as you will see below.

My first exercise was on some bookmark cards I had over from a recent swap. I just let things develop as they will.

From there I used a micron fine liner on white tile, gradually adding more and more lines, and some circles. Im having fun here!

Why not try a Renaissance tile ? This one turned out way more dramatic than I expected. Having the white highlights really gave a lift.

From thee I shaded one of the white tiles. I think I liked the Renaissance tile best. How about you??