Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Diva's challenge #93 and Art every day month#1

Challenge this week was to use Maria's new tangle "Bunzo". For those who haven't tried it yet, I warn you it has a life of its own!! It draws you in and holds you so you can't stop. Even when I had finished I had to keep going with another piece!! I didn't mind this as I have signed up for Art Everyday Month for November, so I started a pic for that.
Next day , Nov 1st I tried to do a post for Art Every Day Month. Unfortunately my computer wouldnt upload the picture I wanted so Im doubling up with Bunzo here!!

Sunday, 28 October 2012

zendala dare 29

Couldn't wait to do Erin's challenge (thebrightowl) this week! And to think she still posted it when she was feeling really ill! What a treasure. Thanks so much Erin.

For this I used the split comp scheme of red, yellow-green and blue-green.
Pencils were the watercolours Derwent Inktense.

Friday, 26 October 2012

new tangle giotto monotangle

Last week I posted a new tangle I called "Giotto" after the 14th century artist. Hey!! Is that a good idea to name tangles after artists?? Today I have for you a monotangle using said Giotto! I find this design quite flexible in the way I could try different variations of the design. Why not "'ava go"? as us Ozzies would say! Then let me know what you think of it.

Giotto monotangle
 I was just wondering if anyone was getting anything from my split complementary colour scheme theme? I'm having a buzz trying them all out. Theres 12 in all so its keeping me busy. I don't like to do all challenges in colour as traditionally and characteristically they should be black and white. There's only one solution to that. Do one of each!!

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Divas challenge #92 and colour scheme

This week the Diva requested a zentangle created using straight lines, and to try to use patterns not typically straight. I think I managed the first instruction, weaving the lines together, but the second, not!

Actually I completed a colour one first! You know me.. can't help myself! Once I'd had a colour play.. using another split comp colour scheme of orange, purple-blue and blue-green, then I could manage a black and white one.

Can you see where I have used my 'Giotto' three times??

New tangle Giotto

Last night while doing my second zendala dare #28, this design around the border  'popped up'!! I'm pretty sure I haven't seen it before, but if  it is already around let me know please. When I had completed the zendala, I felt it looked a bit like a stained glass window, with the sun and its rays. I decided to call the pattern Giotto, as he was an artist who did many wonderful artworks in a church in Florence, in the 14th century. On my zendala the design is quite small, but I have made the instructions large so its easier to see. If used on a larger area, step no.7 is a better option. I plan to use it on this weeks Diva's challenge #92, we are asked to  use straight line tangles.

Monday, 22 October 2012

Zendala dare 28 and colour scheme

I liked this zendala design so much I did another one!! For this one I used the split comp colours blue, purple and orange-yellow. I didn't have an orange pen so used red then coloured over with yellow to get a similar effect. In the design process I found myself inventing a tangle. It sort of 'popped up' by itself! I also did a line around each shape inside it as an experiment and quite like the result. I couldn't stop looking at it afterwards. Is that crazy or what?

ZENDALA DARE #28 and colour scheme

This week I used Sandy's book "Alphatangle" as a reference for Erin's Zendala #28, and used a split-complementary colour scheme of red,yellow- green and purple.
Pepper, finery, frondous, evoke, ennies,and crescent moon.

Over my holiday I completed a few zendalas I hadn't done, testing some colour schemes.

Red,bue and purple is an 'analogous' (some call it 'harmonious') scheme,
 ie. using adjacent colours on the secondary colour wheel..

A split complementary colour scheme of red, blue-green and yellow-green.

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Challenge#91 and colour schemes

I was thrilled to read on the Diva's blog about the "Beads of Courage" organisation for children with a chronic illness. For each special achievement, needle, doctors appointment, xray etc, the child is given a bead. These are collected and put together at a special time, when the events can be recalled for which they were given, and great encouragement given to the child in the process. Laura's son Artoo, belongs to Beads for Courage,  and has just turned two. Our design this week is to celebrate his birthday and this wonderful organisation.
I had just purchased a set of 12 Prismacolour watercolour pencils so tried them out to colour it. The original looks better than this!

The last two nights I have been working on the colour chart I gave in my last post. I just couldn't put it away! Colour seems to do that to me!!. On the first half page I drew a zentangle, then coloured it with each particular colour scheme. When I had finished I thought, "Uh oh, this looks rather complicated. It might put some people off doing the exercise!" So on the other side I made a very simple string to divide up the bars. Another idea is to do simple abstract designs individually across the bars, as I did on the "Tertiary Colour Wheel" sheet for Sunday, 14 October 2012's post.

Seeing all the colour together can be rather confusing. Next job therefore is to make a "window" sheet, so you only see one colour scheme at a time, as shown below. Prismacolour pencils were used for this exercise.

Monday, 15 October 2012

Colour challenges; colour scheme template

Following on from this morning, I have made a template to colour in for Split Complementary Colour Schemes.binations beside each  There is a small tertiary colour wheel on the top right corner, which you can fill in first. I have written out the colour combinations beside each row. In the rectangle you can draw tangles or a simple abstract design to do a sample for the scheme. Use lighter and darker shades as well and black and white are included for all schemes (optional). This was made on A4 paper. Best to print out onto art paper for coloured pencils.

I am going to step out and create some more colour challenges. As you can see from the 3 I posted this morning, the use of certain colours together creates such a variety of effects. My first challenge was to use the 3 secondary colour schemes. For my second challenge I want you to fill in this reference chart. You will be very surprised at some of the colours that actually do relationally go together!

I don't have any Mister Linkeys but you could use my challenges for zendala dares or Divas challenges.
I can see I will have to improve my IT skills and become more professional about challenges. Living in the country is a bit of a drawback when it comes to classes being available.

Sunday, 14 October 2012

zendala dare 27 and colour schemes

Zendala a bit different this time. Always good to have challenges! I really appreciate Erin's commitment to provide the weekly Zendala Dare challenge.
A few posts ago I sent out a challenge to repeat a zentangle inspired art piece using  the three secondary colour schemes. Here are my efforts. I used Marg Bemner's string #20. Tangles and patterns are Cubine, Holibaugh, Crescent Moon, Camelia, Moonflower and  Ninja.

Complementary colour scheme of red and green, using coloured pencils (Derwent Artists)

Blue and orange. Media watercolours (Winsor and Newton pans)

Purple and Yellow using coloured pencils.

 I love to try different colour combinations. Whilst only black and white are used for true zentangles,
and I really do enjoy creating those, I also enjoy the adventures colour provides. In fact I think I will explore the Split Complementary colour schemes!! If you are joining in I would love to know.
You may create split complementary schemes by using one colour with the two colours either side of its opposite colour. Create your own colour wheel to explore all the options. It is an adventure!!

Saturday, 13 October 2012

catching up sankegg

I know this is too late for challenge 89, but pleased that while I was away I completed it. I was a bit influenced by Escher's metamorphic pictures and decided to develop 'sankegg' into birds!! I know the birds aren't tangles so I will call this a ZIA!

Friday, 12 October 2012

new tangle- Moonflower

Fancy this! Two posts in one day!!
I have set out the steps for my new tangle, which I called "Moonflower". I hope there's not one called that already, but it does have a moon and a flower!! I used it in my previous post for Diva's challenge #90.

The first method I used a circle template, but when I first designed it, I actually built it freehand, so I included that method as well (not particularly well done)

The idea is for a nice flow from one to the other.

Here is the last post's tile again..(I liked using it with my other tangle Camelia) It works well with a little shading using pencil as I have done below.

challenges and dares

Nice to be back 'in the saddle' and able to complete the weekly challenges!
The Diva asked us to use string no.1 to create a zentangle..
Tangles: Camelia, flors and a new tangle I have yet to name!

Zendala Dare #26.Using micron .005's.

I hope to be ale to do the challenges I missed out on while I was away soon.

Thursday, 11 October 2012

Recent work

Yesterday I posted a "texta'd" zendala but wasnt happy with its quality. Today I have scanned it so heres hoping for some improvement. Also I will post another zendala which I shall paint but you may like to try to paint also. 

oh, that is much better!!!


For my grandchildren I did a series of zendalas in both coloured pencil and tangles. Then I cut them in half for bookmarks. This was the only one I photographed!

Half trees and half blind strings!!

A few posts ago I sent a challenge to create 3 similar tangles and colour each a different colour scheme, then see how they differed in effect. I used string 3 for this and a complementary colour scheme. It also includes a new tangle which I hope to get posted soon.

Now I am home from holidays, I plan to catch up with challenges and zendala dares!!

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

testing textas on a zendala design

"I wanta dor" says 4 year old Jemima. Out come the textas and shes happy again!
I have just completed drawing another zendala dare (sorry, don't have number), so we share them together. Bit of a difference as I am testing them on watercolour paper and using added water to create blending.
here is the zendala I worked on..
Materials I  used were children's Crayola Textas and Arches watercolour paper 300gsm.

I began in the centre, blending the green and yellow. I discovered that working the blending caused the paper to pill, little bits coming from the surface.  Next, I chose to blend using added water and paintbrush, similar to secondary blending using a blender marker. This proved more effective and easier to control. Where I had caused the centre to be quite dark, I was delighted to use the subtractive watercolour technique, laying a little water over the dark colour for a few seconds, then placing a tissue over the top. This lightened the area considerably, drawing out the colour.

Overall I felt the result was ok, but would probably be improved with artist quality markers, and definitely watercolour paint would suit the paper better.
The photo was taken with my phone, I dont think I quite got the focus correct!!

Monday, 1 October 2012

Challenge to use IX

o Perth
Please don't look too close today! My tech savey son managed to download last weeks diva challenge (use tangle pattern IX) for me on his laptop. I actually drew it on the plane on the way over (41/2 hr trip), so there will be some wobbles, and the colouring has a lot to be desired!! Think of it as a draft!!
Tomorrow I shall post my version of one colour scheme....