Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Two new tangles..Lumpie and Cirkalink

Wow! My second post in one day, yeeha.
On holiday a week ago, I inadvertently created two new tangle patterns while doing the Diva's challenge.
If they have already been created by someone please let me know, but I haven't seen them before.
In the tile below I tried to show some variations of both of them, which I think has detracted from the best effect they would have if not used together. I even tried to merge them..can you see where?? Bit of fun really. Hope you enjoy them.

Zendala Dare #54

It is great to be getting back to nearly normal!!
I have discovered one problem though, if you'd call it a problem.
When I was ill and couldn't do anything, my other creative thingies stuck their heads out.
Now I find myself with  not just tangles to do, but also making a colouring -in book of my paintings, a patchwork tote bag as a way to get back into quilting so I can make a quilt for each of my grandchildren, which is SEVEN by the way, and I have painting commissions to do.
I thought I'd have plenty of time when I retired, but you do other things like go out for coffee or lunch, have a 2-4 day holiday, need to see doctors, dentists, pathologists, go with hubby on his visits for treatments etc., etc.
Phew! Makes me feel worn out just writing it out! I know those who are retired will identify with all that.

Anywaaaaaaaaaaaay, here is this weeks zendala which I have kept in black and white just to be trad for a bit.

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Zedala Dare 53 and Diva Challenge 112

Diva's Challenge for last week was to design using a square within a square. THe above design is a little out of whack as my laptop has been playing up and distorting images. How joyous!
Its only today that it is "Nearly normal".

Sunday, 7 April 2013

Zendala Dare #52

Many thanks to Erin for coming trumps each week with a different template, I dont know how she does it!i fancied using my prismacolours for a background this time. We are asked to use "Hollibaugh" as a string.

Thursday, 4 April 2013

Fun Zendala

Yesterday I had my art /craft class at home, so I gave each a zendala to do using coloured fineliners and inktense pencils. Mine was very simple...

Monday, 1 April 2013

Zendala Dare #51

Thought I would go with colour for this one to cheer me up!! Not sure if I overdid it, but there you are. I like the colour scheme so thats good. I used inktense to colour and coloured fineliners for the linework.