Thursday 28 May 2020

Old works

Yay Im on a roll now!
Because I couldn't write more than one page before, Im just writing a new blog.
 I thought I might share some of my old work in case they might provide inspiration for someone.

These two below were for making bookmarks.

I just can't move things on my page now, grrr

From these three pics you might get some inspiration for colour schemes.

Maybe that'll do for today
Thanks for


  1. merupakan situs bandar Togel Online dengan diskon paling besar yang bisa kalian dapatkan

  2. Yesterday I found your post called Colour Schemes. Today, I have searched for ages and cant find it. Could you please tell me know where to look for it? It was just what I need. Love your work, Thank you


    1. Hi "daffodil"
      Thanks for your comment.
      Currently i don't run my blog. Im retired and don't have time!!! isn't that
      Anyway, let me know what you'd like to know about colour schemes and id be
      happy to tell you what i teach about them.
      Do you have a tertiary colour wheel to refer to?

  3. Thanks for your commitment to helping others learn
